Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Play when people ask you to

So I'm sitting in my class right now...and it's the LAST ONE BEFORE THE SEMESTER IS OVER!!!!!!!!!! #Relief #Finally #Celebrate #Mybrainisfried ...ok I'm done with the hashtags and I promise I will try my best to not get in that habit on this blog.  There's just something about hashtags that are addicting.  It's like...how many words can you use via hashtag to support whatever statement you made?  And then, once you start, you can't stop!  Anyways...I did my presentation for this course, and now I just have to kick back and pretend to listen to my classmates go up.  It's the last day, give me a break!

When it comes to thinking about topics to write about...it's extremely easy to do.  There are so many cool things to ramble on about when it comes to music, and a lot of the stories (in my opinion) are not only interesting but informative as well.  I would say I wish I read blogs from violinists while I was just starting out...but that was back in the stone age when the internet didn't exist.  My point? TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MY KNOWLEDGE!!!!! It's only going to benefit you!!!!! I had to figure these things out on my own (with the help of my awesome violin instructor and parents growing up, of course.) 

I lost all of my grandparents.  My grandma was clinging on but just couldn't make it this year.  Her passing was sort of unexpected.  Actually, completely unexpected.  When I lived in Buffalo, she and my grandpa often came from Pittsburgh to attend my concerts (see the post "Your family should always be there to support you.")

Has anyone ever asked you what your favorite childhood memory was? Or did you ever ponder that thought yourself?

I have different, special, memories with different, special people...as I'm sure you do, too.  Memories with friends, for instance, are probably much different than memories with your first crush or your favorite uncle.  Everyone has a different role in your life, and I'd like to share my Grandpa's role.

When it comes to my violin journey...I often think of my grandpa.  My gramps was the sweetest and softest souled guy I've ever known.  However, he was very quiet and didn't say much (sometimes I wonder how he's related to me with my big mouth!) Therefore, when he did speak, I listened.  My fondest memory of my gramps was how he'd always go out of his way to ask me to play my violin for him.  Next to my mom and my instructor, he was my biggest fan.  I remember how he was just so content sitting there and watching me practice in front of him.  I loved the fact he asked me to play, and I'm so happy I played for him. The violin brought my grandpa and I closer thus creating our special bond, and now one of my dearest memories. 

Your loved ones won't always be there.  People who truly appreciate your talent and dedication aren't easy to find.  So, when they do cross your path, play for them.  It doesn't matter if it's a total stranger or your grandpa.  It might not seem like a big deal then, but those times might turn into one of your fondest memories.  I look forward to the day I can play my violin for my grandpa again. 

Til next time
~Givi Girl

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful memories of your grandfather. We spent many happy Christmases with him before and after you were born. He was always so very proud of you - as were we all - then and now.
