Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Eat the frog first

Everyone avoids the hard and boring stuff when they practice for exactly that reason: it's hard and boring.   What does this consist of??? Probably scales...exercises...difficult pieces you don't like that your teacher is making you learn...etc.

Solution? Skip it and move on to the fun pieces!!  Right? Wrong.  Instead, what you need to do is EAT THE FROG FIRST!

My good friend, Debbie, taught me the expression "Eat the frog first" and it actually applies to everyday life.  Practicing your instrument is no exception. What "eating the frog first" means is that if you eat a frog first thing in the day, the rest of whatever you do will seem easy!  The same goes for practicing: instead of putting off the "frog" type of lesson material to skip to the fun stuff...just get it over with.  It's a simple analogy.  If it helps, write it on a posted note and stick it onto your music stand or piano.  Or just put a picture of a frog staring at you in the face.  Whatever works best for you!!

Why is that stuff necessary? It's not like you're going to be performing scales and exercises for an audience.  The "boring" stuff is necessary.  The exercises and skills are what build your technique and enhance your playing.  If you constantly skip these things, your fundamental basics will be pushed to the side and it will eventually show in your playing.  And keep in mind that with any audition you do, I can pretty much guarantee you will have to play scales and a big chunk of the evaluation will be based on technique.  I'll write an entire blog on this point in the future.  Stay tuned! 
