This post is really random, but from my own personal experience, it helps motivate you to practice.
A lot of this lack of motivation occurred ever since I moved out of my mom's house in Robinson Twp (5 min away from the gym) to Bellevue (20 min away from the gym.) Why? BECAUSE NOW IT'S MORE INCONVENIENT.
Now, let's apply this to practicing. In this case, I'm going to reference my cello since it's more applicable. My cello is obviously a bigger instrument and it's a bit of a pain to constantly take it out and put it back in it's case. I find that if it's not staring at me in the face I tend to neglect it because I simply don't want to deal with opening it up.
US HUMANS, ESPECIALLY US AMERICANS, ARE LAZY!!! Why do you think fast food is so popular?? You get to stay in your car, the food is already made, it's basically make no effort whatsoever to eat your food.
Keep your instrument out, (in a safe place, of course,) so you can just grab it easily and play it.
The less to get in your way of practicing, the better. Your instrument is saying "Practice me! I'm right here! Practice me!" when it's left out.
Growing up, I left mine on my dining room table that nobody uses.
Make it convenient for yourself!!!!
Til next time,
~Givi Girl
quit being a bum and get to the gym