Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Record yourself

One of my biggest regrets I have is not recording myself enough as I progressed.  Keep in mind...back in the stone age when I was young, we didn't have it so easy with cameras...etc.  My family eventually bought some video camera but we didn't use it much.  My family's a lot of great things, butt technologically advanced is definitely not one of them.  Neither is cooking...

But anyways...

I look at progressing in an instrument sort of like growing up. Young kids don't notice when you grow, and their parents probably don't so much either since they see them every day.  However, the people who do notice are the ones who see do not see you every day.  The same thing applies to learning an instrument: it's very gradual, so although your teachers who only see you once a week notice your progress, chances are, you don't! Another benefit of recording yourself is that it might help you realize mistakes you make while you play, or bad habits you might have that you didn't even notice! Some people, when they play, are so concentrated that they don't realize they do goofy things such as sticking their tongue out!! I've seen it all!  That's why you need to record yourself!!!

Til next time,

~Givi Girl

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